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Jul 25 2013

2013 Solar Design and Installation Awards

Si Clean Energy completed a significant milestone in their large-scale projects portfolio with the completion of the 60kW North Beach Bowling Club solar installation on the Mid North coast of NSW, the largest solar power system installed in Bellingenshire.

The project was completed in 6 weeks with a total of 250 panels and five 12.5kW inverters installed and was fully operational from Mid-November 2012.

As part of this installation we supplied and installed one of our proprietary manufactured “All Solus” energy monitoring systems. This allows the club to record and display the solar system’s performance on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, offering the complete solar solution with maximum efficiency guaranteed through constant monitoring.

Peter Bulanyi, Director at Si  – This is one of Si Clean Energy’s proudest moments. We always take great pride in our workmanship, none more so than with this innovative 60kW system right here in our local town and we congratulate the club for having the foresight to invest in their future.

SP PRO Series – SPMC1201

The SP PRO is a bi-directional, low distortion sine wave inverter capable of interacting with a number of different types of AC sources.

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SP PRO Series – SPMC240

The SP PRO is a bi-directional, low distortion sine wave inverter capable of interacting with a number of different types of AC sources.

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