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Solmetric PV Analyzer PVA-600S

The Solmetric PV Analyzer is an I-V curve tracer with advanced modeling that enables unprecedented accuracy and insight into PV array performance during commissioning, O&M, auditing, and troubleshooting.

For each string, the PV AnalyzerTM measures I-V (current vs voltage) and P-V (power vs voltage) curves with a single button press in less than 250ms. The measured results are compared to the expected performance based on actual instantaneous irradiance and module temperature and a sophisticated model of the system. The I-V unit communicates wirelessly to a Windows tablet or laptop (not included) enhancing safety, outdoor readability, and the ability to do detailed analysis in the field.

I-V curves are the preferred method for verifying array performance during the commissioning phase of a project because they give the most detailed electrical characterization of the array. Populations of curves can be analyzed quickly for outliers and data can be archived as a baseline for future reference if performance questions arise.

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